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Translation of documentation into or from Polish into European Union languages

Training material translation services


The constant progress of technology and science, the constant flow of new information in all fields, creates a need for continuous learning. This requires training materials, which are often originally prepared in foreign languages. Our translators also help in this area.

Training material translation services

The form of training materials can vary. The areas in which the training is conducted are also different. Such courses are most often enrolled by people who are looking for additional knowledge, often at university level or in narrow specialisations. Therefore, the choice of a good translator for such an implementation must take into account not only his/her linguistic knowledge, but also his/her field of study in a given subject. At Berlineo we work with linguists who are competent to translate training materials.

Translation of textbooks or presentations into further education courses or company workshops may concern such areas as medicine, engineering, administration or IT. Translation of training materials is therefore often a specialist translation. If the project requires it, the translator must obtain precise information about the subject of the training. It is not necessary for the translator to have an education in a particular field. As a minimum, general knowledge of the subject matter of the course is considered to be a minimum in order to avoid mistakes that could mislead the trainees.

Translation of training materials

An important element of the process of translating teaching materials is the possibility to contact the author of the original version. Such consultation helps to dispel doubts concerning the translation of definitions, examples or unusual expressions. Any mistake in the translation may not only lead to the trainees being misinformed, but most importantly it may negatively affect the opinion about the trainer or the whole training centre. For this reason it is worth trusting the Berlineo specialists. The image of your company is just as important to us as our own.

Translating extensive training materials, often including both multimedia presentation and participant materials, takes time. This is often a multi-stage process, including, for example desktop publishing services. In the translation process, the analysis of the delivered content is crucial. It allows to precisely determine the time of implementation and cost and to plan individual stages of project implementation.

At Berlineo, the whole process is professional and efficient, so that finished materials are always delivered on time.

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Send us an enquiry – we will be happy to advise you and present a detailed offer tailored to your needs.

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